Holly Novels By C.C. Warrens (Books 1-5)

There’s always light in the darkest of circumstances.

Holly Smith knows this, and she’s determined not to let her gruesome past affect her mindset and optimism about the future. Unfortunately, not only must she combat various forms of PTSD, but when she is attacked one night in a park, things get more complicated. See, after the attack, the police, particularly one southern detective, Richard Marx, step into her life and slowly begin unwinding her childhood and uncovering the horrible events that made her the guarded person she is.

Now why do I like this series? Probably my favorite thing about this book is the way it’s written. The author, C.C. Warrens, gives the book a personal feel, which is perhaps the reason that Holly and the others in the series feel so realistic. From the dialogue to just vocalizing Holly’s thoughts, Warrens does an excellent job at making sure Holly, Marx, and the others in the gang, seem as likable and overall as individuals you might even meet in a grocery store. (Buying marshmallows of course.)

Another reason, I enjoyed this series is because the action in these books never ends BUT, the author still found time to include calm, heart-warming scenes that help both the protagonists grow and gives the readers time to learn more about the characters, before quickly stepping back into thrilling chases and mysteries that lead them all over and stretch their skills and test their patience.

Thus, I would recommend this book to anyone who likes well-written, exciting, romantic thrillers with engaging characters. Now, this series does discuss mature topics such as sexual, psychical, mental abuse, so just a heads up for the younger or more sensitive audience. (The whole story revolves around Holly trying to hide and escape a man who abused her in these ways and while these events aren’t described in detail, it is implied several times.)

So, if you’re looking for your next suspense book and you don’t mind a bit of blood or darker topics, be sure to check this five-star book out!







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