B. How tall are they, what do they weigh, and what is their clothing size?
C. What type of posture do they have? Do they stand confident and tall, or do they tend to slouch?
A. How do they usually dress? Formal or casual?
B. Do they have a favorite outfit? How about a favorite clothing item such as a hat, a jacket, or a pair of shoes?
C. How about their hair? What specific cut is their hair styled in? Is their hair dyed? How do they normally wear their hair? (Gelled or maybe in a slicked-back ponytail?)
A. Where do they work? What kind of business is it?
B. Do they have any friends/enemies at work?
C. What position are they? Do they get along with their employer/employee?
A. Are they married? Do they have children of their own?
B. If they still live with their parents, how many siblings do they have? How old are the other siblings and do they all get along?
C. What kind of childhood did they have?
A. Do they have any friends? Do they have one particular best friend?
B. What is their relationship with their friends? Are their relationships healthy?
C. Any recent heartbreaks?
D. Do they have a boyfriend/girlfriend? (Or a love interest?)
A. Are they healthy? Is there any kind of sickness that they suffer from?
B. Do they have any medical conditions? (Like ADHD, OCD, or such?)
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