MY INTRO IS BETTER. (Obviously.)


How is it that HALLIE got an introduction, yet MY book is coming out soon and I didn’t?

Well, allow me to change that.

My name is Inspector Natalie Wild, and I’m the world’s best undercover agent and detective, all rolled into one. I also happen to have the world’s smartest canine dog, which is no surprise, considering how I taught him everything he knows.


He is really smart though…and I would say I am a pretty good spy, considering how I’ve been undercover seven times, and am still alive to tell about it. Unfortunately, though, while I have dozens of interesting stories of busting bad guys and ruining criminals’ days, I prefer to keep all of my missions secretive as well as my real name.

So, what’s undercover work really like? Hm…I’d say it’s a mixture of excitement and adventure, mixed with a tad bit of drama and lots and lots of guns, knives, weapons, oh and of course, danger. Basically, just imagine going to a playground where a bunch of serial killers are going to randomly pop out of the ground and chase you and the only way to escape them is to climb up the playground and scramble across it, villains waving machetes and on your heels.

Uh…so maybe that wasn’t the best description, but you get the point…it’s fun, but very frustrating. AND SINCE WE’RE SPEAKING OF FRUSTERATING, I suppose there’s another name worth mentioning and that is Eagle Flynn. Not only is Detective Flynn annoying and unusually curious, but he also has this tendencies to just SOMEHOW appear and recently, he keeps getting in the way of my cases.

That said, if he does show up, pretend I don’t exist OR better YET, tell him the megalodon came back to life, jumped onto land, swam on the road all the way up to my apartment, and ate me.  (Oh, and if he asks any questions, be sure to say that the Meg didn’t tell you anything out as it chomped me up.) Got it?


Anyways, yeah! That’s me.

Now, let me tell you a little bit about Flames, my bff, partner-in-crime(-stopping-), and last but not least, my adopted child or…brother? I haven’t really figured how to describe our relationship, but I assure you…Flames is the most amazing dog you’ve ever met! Not only is he trained in taking down criminals and sniffing out drugs, but he also knows numerous other tricks. Thus, Flames is very handy to bring with me on all of my cases.

And of course, what better company is there then a loyal, trusty dog, who will love you unconditionally and NEVER leave you? Unlike humans, dogs always appreciate all the time and effort you put into them, and they even seem to know how much you love them. That’s why Flames and I would stick together forever and as long as I had him, we’d be perfectly fine together.

That said, I guess I’ll sign off for now.

REMEMBER what I said about Flynn, and I’ll talk to you all later.

-Inspector Wild





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