🤦🏻♀️ First off…since when did we agree to starting comparing intros?
And Natalie, you left A LOT of important things out of your bio, including your people allergy AND your weird habits, like using two different kind of toothpastes every time you brush your teeth. Girl, that’s super weird and the people deserve to know that kind of stuff, you know!
Anyways, you’re probably wondering who I am, so let me explain…my name is Kaityln, and you’ve probably seen me around. My partner, Nick and I go on some cray adventures and since I’m a bit of a writer myself, I love jotting down some of the details and then retelling them here!
Hm…past that, there’s not really much to say about myself. I abhor seafood as well as injustice, which is why I became a detective three years ago and I’ve hated every day since. Why? Well, as it turns out, my partner LOVES seafood so he never misses a chance to drag me to a seafood restaurant and gross me out.
Okay, well I suppose ‘hate’ is a strong word, and I love helping others, but the seafood part is annoying. Especially since every time I mention it, Nick cracks the annoying joke that goes like “I’m going on a seafood diet,” and the other person says, “Oh yeah, really?” Then the first guy goes, “Yep, when I see-food I eat it!”
Trust me, by the fourth time he repeated the joke, I was ready to dump a cage-full of lobsters into his bed and watch menacingly as the creatures ate Nick up. Unfortunately, I wasn’t that cruel, and other than his irritating dad jokes, Nick wasn’t that bad, so I appreciated working with him.
On the other hand, I LOVE escape rooms, puzzles, and any kind of ice cream with the exception of play-dough flavored ice cream which just sounds…nasty. Anyways, in my spare time I love drawing mazes, doing crossword puzzles, and making coded messages which I use to leave notes for Nick in. So, I guess we’re even…he annoys me with jokes that aren’t funny and in return I annoy him by giving him codes he has to solve. 😅
So, yeah…that’s me.
You’re probably wondering what I look like…well, as you can imagine it’s hard describing yourself, but I’d say I’m about average looking except…I’M RIDICULOUSLY SHORT. I stand at five foot, four inches tall normally, BUT I wear a kind of platform boot to work that helps me look about two inches taller, which still makes me short, but at least a tiny bit taller.
Other than that, I have dirty-blonde hair, hazel colored eyes, and only about two million freckles, which make my face look more like a leopard’s side, then human skin. Oh well! I can’t complain because that’s how God made me, and I Nick says it makes me look cute anyways. (DON’T tell the others that I mentioned that…they already won’t stop shipping me and Nick as it is, so just hearing me say that no doubt will start the teasing ALL OVER AGAIN.)
Well, my lunch break is almost over, and I got to go interrogate a possible serial killer, thus I got to go back over my notes and questions and such, so I’ll have to conclude this post. Anyways, have an amazing day!
-Kaitlyn 💜
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