This entry is part 1 of 1 in the series Kay’s Date


I just got back from A DATE!! 😊

That’s right…Nick asked me out on an official date! (Well, technically he’s like “do you want to go grab some dinner?” and I was like “Sure, which case do we need to discuss?” AND THEN he replied, “Oh, I didn’t mean like a business dinner…I just meant dinner-dinner, like where we just talk and have fun.”

And yes, it was SO MUCH FUN!!!

And also kind of weird, because…well, let me just explain…

———————- A few hours earlier ———————-

“So, how’s your family?”

I stabbed a piece of slippery spaghetti with my fork and then paused before raising it to my mouth. “They’re good…how about yours?”

“Good too, I suppose.” Nick took a sip of his drink and then leaned forward in his chair as he continued eating. “This is nice…you know, taking a break from the business of life and such, and just enjoying a good meal…and some good company.”

It was a great effort not to choke on my food.

Nick laughed.  “It was just a compliment…easy, K. I didn’t know you were allergic to those.” He winked at me and nudged my drink towards me. “Please don’t die. I prefer talking to people, who can actually respond as opposed to dead silent bodies in a morgue.”

I gave him a flat look. “Seriously?”

“Sorry.” He replied, flashing me an apologetic smile. “But I am curious. What does it take to actually make you smile? Like how bad of a joke would it have to be?”

“Or…you could just skip the jokes and buy me desert, and I’ll smile once you pay the bill.” I countered, hopefully.


We shook on it.

“Is there anything else I can get you two?” The waitress, dressed in modest, yet a bit stained, black attire, asked, appearing at our table. “Any refills or other appetizers?”

I looked at Nick and then we both shook our heads. “Nope!”

“I think we’re good, thanks.” Nick added politely.

Once the waitress had walked away, I glared at Nick. “Do you like her?”


I started laughing…hard.

The astonished look on Nick’s face was priceless. He looked as if a rat had crawled on the table and jumped in his drink, all without asking him. “Why would you even think that? Here, I’m out with you and we’re having dinner…do you think I’m just messing around?”

There was a note of awkward silence when he finished.

I was probably blushing…a lot…but I didn’t care. “Is this a date, Nick?”

He mumbled something under his breath about roses and then looked up at me, still looking a bit startled. And if I wasn’t mistaken, Nick looked a tad bit flushed himself. “Well, I don’t know, K. Do you want it to be?”

I kept eating for a second and then shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know…do you want it to be?”

“Hey…I asked you that first!” Nick exclaimed. “And you need to answer it first, because YOUR answer is going to affect MY answer.”

Ooh, interesting.

“Yes.” I said. “But YOUR answer is also going to affect MY answer, so thus you should answer first.”

Nick scowled at me. “You literally just repeated what I said.”

Smirking, I confirmed, “Yep.”

His frown didn’t last for long, and soon he was grinning again. “Great…well if you want to copy me…copy this… “I came out with you tonight on a date, because you’re so handsome and funny and I love you.” He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back into his seat. “I dare you to repeat all that.” He said smugly.

To be continued….

-Kay! 🥰💜







One response to “YOU’LL NEVER BELIEVE IT!”

  1. Lydia Avatar

    I love the banter! So funny:)))

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