• 10 Strange, But Mysterious Prompts For Your Next Story

    Stuck brainstorming? Try checking some of these ideas out and get a little bit creative. Sometimes novels with an odd plot can be the most fun to read! Here are a few of the funny premises I thought of: -D.P.

  • Let’s Get Danielle’s Name Off My Book

    So much for keeping my missions a secret… Oh yeah, Natalie (AKA Harper) here, and I just learned that DANIELLE decided to go ahead and publish what I had written about my most recent case. Did you hear me? SHE PUBLISHED IT. Like put it in a book, got someone to draw it’s cover, and…

  • Top Five Christian Artists and Their Best Songs (In My Opinion)

    Listening to music when you’re writing can be very handy and block out other distractions. Here are some of my favorite Christian musicians to check out! Unspoken: Owl City: Mercy Me: TobyMac: Skillet:

  • Shenanigans of the Season

    9/27/23 It’s FINALLY Fall! The Autumn season is the best, and I’ve been waiting all year for my favorite time to come, so I can break out pumpkin spice lattes, leaf blowers, and warm blankets to cuddle under while watching the memorizing glow of amazing, sugary-sweet, apple-scented candle. You have to admit, it’s a wonderful…

  • Friends Just Call Me K

    Friends Just Call Me K

    🤦🏻‍♀️ First off…since when did we agree to starting comparing intros? And Natalie, you left A LOT of important things out of your bio, including your people allergy AND your weird habits, like using two different kind of toothpastes every time you brush your teeth. Girl, that’s super weird and the people deserve to know…

  • MY INTRO IS BETTER. (Obviously.)

    HOLD ON! How is it that HALLIE got an introduction, yet MY book is coming out soon and I didn’t? Well, allow me to change that. My name is Inspector Natalie Wild, and I’m the world’s best undercover agent and detective, all rolled into one. I also happen to have the world’s smartest canine dog,…

  • Hallie Bronze 🍂

    Ummmm…so describing your best friend is pretty hard, but here we go! Allow me to introduce you too…HALLIE: Hallie Bronze is an average 17-year-old girl…or so tells everyone. Not only is she very creative, but her art skills are amazing, and Hallie has created several paintings, breath-taking and museum worthy. Unfortunately, she’s very timid at…

  • Repeated, But Not Remembered (Part 1)

    Beep. Beep. Beep. Waking up in a hospital bed, but it’s even more creepy, when you have no idea why you’re there. The monitor nearby chirped on, and the rhythm of it, was almost in time with the pounding of my headache. I tried to remember why I was here, but my thoughts were too…

  • A Little Fishy (Part 3)

    A Kaitlyn and Nick Mystery-Suspense Short Story Five hours later or roughly 11:00 p.m., A cup of steaming coffee in hand, I opened the front door. Nick was standing on my dark porch, a black file in one hand. “Hey partner.” He greeted me. “How’s the headache?” “Thanks to the ibuprofen, bearable.” I replied, stepping…

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