• Missing for Christmas

    Missing for Christmas

    Christmas Eve 5:52 Mrs. Greg started up the stairs in the living room and Daniel and Nates followed close behind. “Did you find anything?” She asked, after clearing her throat. “Not yet.” Nates replied, as he reached the top of the stairs. Mrs. Greg’s shoulders sagged at the news, but she still motioned to a…

  • Missing for Christmas

    Missing for Christmas

    Christmas Eve, 5:41 p.m. Detective Kyle Daniel wasn’t the first officer to arrive at the crime scene. Two police cars were parked at the edge of the lawn, because the victim’s house’s small driveway was too crowded. He yanked the keys out of his car’s ignition, took a deep breath, and then shoved open his…

  • Missing for Christmas

    Missing for Christmas

    Christmas Eve, around 5:30 Deputy chief John Lettur rubbed a hand across his exhausted face and then reached for his mug. Lifting it up, he realized that it was empty again, and he sighed. It was only ten minutes to 5:30 p.m., but it had been a little over forty-eight hours since John had been…

  • A Hero Everyone Loves (Part 1 of Creating Your Protagonist)

    A Hero Everyone Loves (Part 1 of Creating Your Protagonist)

    He was going to be late again. Robert sighed and glanced back up at all the paperwork scattered across his desk. It was the third time this week that he had more work than time to do it in and thus, he was going to miss dinner. Grabbing yet another file, Robert made a note…

  • The Man with the Gun

    The Man with the Gun

    Someone was inside her house. Sucking in a deep breath, Katie threw her legs over the side of her bed and then crept towards her door which she had shut earlier that earlier. Slowly, she reached for the cold handle, and then warily, she twisted it. As soon as she opened the door, Katie spotted…

  • Short, But Confusing: Out in the Sticks

    Short, But Confusing: Out in the Sticks

    Now, where had I put it? I checked the nearby picnic bench and then in the backseat of my truck. When I didn’t find it in either of those places, I unzipped the bag my tent had been packed in, but the only things I found inside were the tent itself and the pegs to…

  • Don’t Look Down, Your Character Might Drown

    Don’t Look Down, Your Character Might Drown

    I was walking across a bridge suspended several hundred feet in the air. A gust of wind brushed past me as if warning me to go back, but I was too far to return. After all, I was now standing in the middle of the rickety structure and it was at least a five-minute walk…

  • How To Get The Illusive Story Idea

    How To Get The Illusive Story Idea

    I drove by a sagging building with a charred sign and burnt siding. Yes, it appeared that someone had lit the local mattress store on fire, and now the only thing inside of it was ashes. But the question was, who would light a store selling mattress, beds, and pillows on fire? And there’s your…

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